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Double  portal   

Double portal gantry crane pairs are suitable for installation on outdoor areas. And in the shade under
a factory roof The fabrication plant is not prepared to accept an overhead crane. Exactly the same as
the two crane towers stand tall and look like a single beam overhead crane beam pairs. That is suited
to industrial applications where very heavy weights. It should have a width ranging from 10-30 meters
and should weigh raised from 5 tons to 35 tons, a standard which is electric hoists for lifting beam pairs
designed, manufactured as standard models already in place for the placing on the crane. Twin beams
By appropriate and safe The two crane towers stand tall beside a dual-beam electric crane has been
used quite a lot as well. For the same reason, single-beam crane towers stand tall. And secondly in hot
weather and heavy rains so rarely have workers willing to work outdoors in order to install a crane outside
the building. The cranes of this type, it is necessary to use certain industries, such as casting a work piece
or poured concrete columns like the heat of the sun keeps running. Large structure assembly Or to store
raw material weight. Trainer container type or many products. The product is to be worried about rain,
dust and heat, and the importance of using high-mounted crane towers stand outside the building.
Is a tremendous savings Not to invest in building up its mantle as well.  

Double portal gantry crane stand alongside two high-beam pairs are suitable for installation on outdoor areas.
And in the shade under a factory roof The fabrication plant is not prepared to accept an overhead crane.
Exactly the same as the two crane towers stand tall and look like a single beam overhead crane beam pairs.
That is suited to industrial applications where very heavy weights. It should have a width ranging from 10-30
meters and should weigh raised from 5 tons to 35 tons, a standard which is electric hoists for lifting beam pairs
designed, manufactured as standard models already in place for the placing on the crane. Twin beams By
appropriate and safe The two crane towers stand tall beside a dual-beam electric crane has been used quite
a lot as well. For the same reason, single-beam crane towers stand tall. And secondly in hot weather and
heavy rains so rarely have workers willing to work outdoors in order to install a crane outside the building.
The cranes of this type, it is necessary to use certain industries, such as casting a work piece or poured
concrete columns like the heat of the sun keeps running. Large structure assembly Or to store raw material
weight. Trainer container type or many products. The product is to be worried about rain, dust and heat,
and the importance of using high-mounted crane towers stand outside the building.
Is a tremendous savings Not to invest in building up its mantle as well.





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