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Semi portal single-beam double legs are suitable for installation on outdoor areas. And indoor inside the building
with all the same with the same high-beam crane towers stand alone and if you want to design a dual beam.
Because users need powerful image of lifting objects. And heavier goods And in the wider area. As mentioned
above, the nature of the crane beams, single and dual-beam design, but there are differences in certain applications.
With two crane towers stand tall beside the crane's legs in one field. Do not designed to cantilever (Cantilever)
protruding outside the field like a crane's legs two sides, because the crane's legs in one field. When an arm sticking
out the side, if designed poorly when electric hoists, lifting, moving out to set foot crane counterweight to run the lift
downed float off the raceway. And overturned the side down. And the designers do not usually popular anti-lock
designed to lift downed at the raceway on it. The risk is considered unsafe for use directly. What is important for
designing the crane's legs field every year. If it can be avoided The width to height ratio At least 3: 5 For the set
design at the bar longer than the height of the crane legs. To provide the counterbalance weight side up. Causing
the crane tilted flip-flopped more difficult. And for lifting leg-degree slope from the center beam crane set the
measurement of the perpendicular from the top spreads out along the slope of the diameter of the wheel loader
crane leg below. It should not be less than 10 degrees, which made a series Harbor cranes trestle legs are wide
enough. Not easily fall flat And another major Crane designed golf pin high every year. I think the two sides reached
a trough running through the trough levels may have dropped it. You need to design the crane legs on either side of
the pivot point (Flexible Leg) to achieve flexible body. But if there is absolute certainty for the two crane rails on both
sides that the foundations are strong. There is no settlement in the future. It is designed to be a tight bracket and 2
(Fix Leg) as well.




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