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Semi portal gantry crane is appropriate to use the outdoor space. By installing gutters ran upstairs to the pillars on
the sides - the outside of the building. Or indoor installation by installing gutters ran upstairs into a pole on the side
- in the building. Or users can design a second crane factory level, too. The installation of the overhead crane kits.
To work only with machines or use the space in the building, plant either side. Or installed on the two sides of the
same building it. But what is important in case mounted crane towers high leg side. In the same building two pillars
of the building South overhead crane above. Designers need to leave during the middle of the field stand tall crane
installed on the same side. Two sides to a tolerable so that the wire rope and hook of an overhead crane above. Can
lift objects or goods Through a convenient and secure. The major problems with the installation, use two cranes in
the same building. The series of wire rope and hook of an overhead crane, often on top. Or collision with a crane
towers stand tall, running the bottom. Because of the negligence and carelessness of the users themselves. The
accident scene and performed easily damaged. The crane design It's not easy to install automatic object detection
sensors along the length of the beam below the crane to prevent collisions with wire rope and hook of an overhead
crane above. Or difficult to install sensors to detect objects that automatically sets wire rope and hook of an overhead
crane above. To prevent collisions on the crane's legs field below. It is therefore essential to be careful with the eyes
of a crane, the second level of the press itself.

As mentioned in the ease of design, installation lifting two levels to set the two cranes capable of running the operation,
the crane runs in the same series. For your convenience and save time and increase efficiency. Photo work It carries a
dangerous problem. And accidents must be used carefully.




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